A biobased and sustainable alternative for crude oil

Dannie van Osch

Dannie van Osch (1990) finished his M.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry in 2014 with the distinction cum laude from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). 

In September 2018 he defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled 'Design and Applications of Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvents', also at TU/e. During his academic career his focus has been on sustainable and innovative chemistry and chemical engineering, which includes research into spinning disc reactors, microreactor technology, visible light photocatalysis, and innovative solvents. 

Since February 1st Dannie combines 0.8 FTE as postdoc in the Inorganic Materials & Catalysis Group at TU/e with 0.2 FTE as Chief Business Officer of Vertoro (CBO) (https://www.vertoro.com/). In the combination of his jobs he investigates the production of crude lignin oil (CLO) from wood.