Umbrella organization of student associations

Compositum ‘Communis Opinio’

Compositum is the umbrella organization of the three big student associations in Eindhoven.

About us

Compositum ‘Communis Opinio’ is the umbrella organization of the three big student associations in Eindhoven, E.S.C, SSRE and Demos. Compositum represents the city as PKvV (local chamber of association) in the LKvV (nationwide chamber of association) where student associations of all cities in the Netherlands come together and discuss problems of their cities. The aim of Compositum is to improve the collaboration of the three associations in Eindhoven and to promote joining an association. Compositum also takes care of the common interests of students in e.g. politics.

Na Examen Dagen

Each year we organize the Na Examen Dagen. This is a sort of mini introduction week for upcoming first year students. In this week the students in spe will become familiar with the city Eindhoven as a student city and come in contact with the three student associations and most of all have fun!

Word Lid!-feest

Each year we organize a party for first year students of the TU/e, Fontys and Design academy. The purpose is to each every student who would like to become a member of one of our associations and provide everyone a fun night!

Groups & subgroups


Contact us

  • Contact

    Compositum ‘Communis Opinio’
  • Bezoekadres

    Eindhovense Kamer van Verenigingen Compositum ‘Communis Opinio’
    Keizersgracht 17
    5611 GC Eindhoven

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