University Council party

DAS Eindhoven

DAS Eindhoven is the student fraction in the University Council that focuses on the ambitious students that want to develop themselves alongside their studies.

About us

DAS stands for "De Ambitieuze Student". We are a student fraction in the University Council. DAS focuses on representing the ambitious students that want to develop themselves alongside their studies. For example, through participating in extra-curricular activities like being active in an association, student team or anything else.

In short, as a student fraction we are able to influence decisions made by the Executive Board of the TU/e. As you can imagine, these decisions have a large impact on students. DAS focuses on representing the ambitious students, for example through enabling students to study in a more flexible way and working on improving online education. This can range from being active in a study, student or sports association, being in a student team or just wanting to achieve more than a diploma on a piece of paper during your time as a student. Aside from the University Council, DAS is also actively involved in the municipality, and represents the student's voice in the ongoing discussions on student housing in Eindhoven.

Contact us

  • Contact person

    Hidde Fokkelman (Chairman of Party)
  • Postadres

    Postbus Postbus 513
  • Bezoekadres

    Traverse 0.01
    Gebouwnummer 37
    De Rondom 70
    5612 AP Eindhoven

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