Sports association


E.S.T.T.V. TAVERES is the table tennis club for students in Eindhoven with plastic balls.

About us

E.S.T.T.V. TAVERES is the table tennis club for students in Eindhoven. The club name is an acronym of Tafeltennis VEReniging Eindhovense Studenten. The main goal of the club is to promote table tennis among students in Eindhoven. Students studying at the Eindhoven University of Technology or at the Fontys Hogeschool are welcome to come and play. Twice a week a training is given at the student sport center at the university campus. The training sessions are intended for all players, from beginners’ through advanced level. TAVERES takes part in the NTTB leagues with multiple teams having varied levels of skill. The matches are usually played on Fridays and sometimes on Saturdays. Furthermore there are various tournaments in which TAVERES members take part. Next to regular tournaments in the neighbourhood, participation in dedicated student table tennis tournaments forms an important part of the tournament calendar. Beside a sportive challenge there is also a great atmosphere whenever TAVERES meets other student table tennis clubs.

International Tabletennis Tournament (ITT)

From 1976 untill 2014 E.S.T.T.V. TAVERES hosted the greatest student table tennis tournament from Europe. Players from all over Europe visited Eindhoven to play an awesome tournament. For an impression, please visit our website:


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