ECTS points
Education type
Master program
Two years
Master of Science (MSc)

Are you interested in solving societal and technical challenges to develop more sustainable buildings and cities? Do you want to learn innovative project management methods and how to use digital twinning techniques? If so, then the Construction Management and Engineering master’s program at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) might be exactly what you are looking for.

Fueled by the high density of the built environment, new EU regulations are adding to the complexity of building projects. Today’s society demands greater transparency, quality assurance, client orientation and compelling innovation as well as a shift towards even more sustainable solutions. Moreover, the world population is reaching a new balance. In 2010, over half the world lived in urban areas and by 2050 that proportion is expected to reach nearly 70%. As a result, the United Nations is demanding a change in how we think about the construction and reconstruction of our cities and buildings.

What does CME entail from a social perspective? 
Our Construction Management and Engineering (CME) master’s program is a two-year, full-time degree course taught in English. The program addresses the makeover the building and construction industry is facing by exploring the area between ‘construction engineering' and ‘scientific management.' It focuses on the management and implementation of information processes with an emphasis on smart cities and smart buildings. The CME program is grounded in societal challenges such as climate change, energy transition, circular economy and digital twinning. In particular, it looks at:

  1. City Information Management (CIM), considering the emerging field of urban informatics (including geospatial data, sensor data and 3D city data). The focus is on utilizing urban data for the development of models representing and simulating real-urban realm phenomena. It caters to various stakeholders, helping them to make informed decisions using urban analytics in the context of smart cities; stakeholders include municipalities, citizens, architects, urban planners, transport engineers, and construction companies. 
  2. Building Information Management (BIM), handling and managing building information throughout the building life cycle. The focus is on improving the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, operation, and demolishment process. This is achieved by using both static data (including building models and point clouds) and dynamic data (including sensor data and IoT). This approach enables the creation of digital twins of buildings and their occupants, and real-time data processing employing AI technology in the context of smart buildings.

What will I learn from this master’s program and why is it important to me? 
CME is the interdepartmental master’s program between the Built Environment (BE) and Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences (IE&IS) departments. The program pursues a distinctively research-driven and project-oriented approach to education and stimulates challenge-based learning. You will make use of a combination of urban/building sciences and management/ innovation sciences to develop solutions for smart cities and buildings.  

To help you in developing a personalized education program, the CME program offers:  

  • A series of courses and projects with tremendous flexibility and multidisciplinary opportunities   
  • The possibility to gain international experience and professional experience 
  • Education in soft skills such as creativity and communication, presentation and writing skills 

Why would this program be a good fit for me? What skills do I need? 
The program welcomes students with an array of backgrounds and experiences. The program is ideal for students with a bachelor’s degree in Construction Engineering, Civil Engineering, Business Administration, Information Science, Computer Science, Management, Urban Planning, and/or Environmental Economics. Additional disciplines are welcome, provided students have some knowledge of the built environment. 

Why should I take this course at TU/e ​​and not elsewhere? 
If you choose to pursue the CME master’s program at the TU/e, you select an interdisciplinary program about building/city management with a scientific and technical focus. The courses and projects are provided in partnership by two departments – BE and IE&IS – each with their own competence profiles, traditions and networks. This not only ensures that the program is of high quality, but also that it is truly compelling and stimulating. Courses are taught by lecturers with a strong academic and/or professional reputation. Graduation projects are individual projects, often in cooperation with a business partner. Business partners are eager to be involved and there are many of them to be found in the Eindhoven region, also known as Brainport. Altogether, this means that graduates of the CME master's degree program are assured of a highly-valued return on their investment. 

The premaster program
You can follow the CME master’s program at TU/e if you have a bachelor’s degree from TU/e, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) or the University of Twente (UT). If you received your bachelor's from another Dutch university, we will assess individually whether you are admissible to the TU/e CME master program. In both cases, you will need to verify if you can start directly or whether you still need to follow some courses in the undergraduate program; check the ‘Doorstroommatrix’.

If you have an HBO diploma from a university of applied sciences, you must first complete a premaster program. The CME premaster program is available for students who are not admitted to the CME master program directly: 

  • Bachelor graduates of the TU/e (and other Dutch universities) of the Industrial Engineering program, for example 
  • HBO graduates of the ‘Bouwkunde’, ‘Civiele Techniek’ and ‘Bouwtechnische Bedrijfskunde’ programs

If you wish to apply for the CME premaster program, you must also meet the English proficiency requirements. 

The CME premaster program typically takes one semester (two quarters) and is worth 30 EC, including 4 courses of 5 EC each and one entrance project of 10 EC. 

  • 2DL10 Pre-master Calculus and Probability 5  
  • 7U9X0 Research and Statistics 5 
  • 7W7X0 Urban Planning 5  
  • 7U7X0 Urban Projects and Finance 5 
  • 7CM10 Entrance Project CME 

Check the ‘Doorstroommatrix’ to see which master’s programs you can enroll in, once you have completed the premaster program.

Master of Construction Management and Engineering

An interdepartmental program between the Built Environment (BE) and Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences (IE&IS) departments, the CME program possess a distinctive research-driven and project-oriented approach to education. You will use a combination of urban/building sciences and management and innovation sciences to develop solutions for smart cities and buildings. 

To help you in develop a personalized education program, the CME program offers: 

  • A series of courses and projects with a lot of flexibility and multidisciplinary opportunities  
  • The possibility to gain international experience 
  • Education in soft skills such as creativity, and communication skills
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They are happy to answer your questions and share their experiences!

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Astrid van Dun

Admission and Enrollment

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  • What are the prospects after I received my CME diploma?

    When you have completed the Master program in Construction Management & Engineering, you will be familiar with methods and techniques from urban/building sciences and management and innovation sciences to develop solutions for smart cities and smart buildings. That means you will be able to find employment in the professional field, or you can opt to develop your knowledge further at an academic institute. In the former case you will usually be working as a manager in a building company, government agency or project developer. It goes without saying that the combination of technical and...

  • What is the benefit of the 4TU-CME collaboration?

    The CME degree program is coordinated between the three universities Eindhoven University, Delft University, and University Twente, with compulsory, common courses, and with elective specialization courses, that are different at each university. The CME program at the Eindhoven University focusses on the management and implementation of information processes with an emphasis on smart cities and smart buildings. However you can discuss with your mentor if you can include courses from the other locations in your study plan that fit with your personal ambitions.

This program is NVAO-accredited. In the Netherlands, the NVAO assesses the internal quality assurance of universities and colleges and the quality of their programs.