Master Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Systems

ECTS points
Two years
Master of Science (MSc)

The mutual impact of Artificial Intelligence & Engineering Systems (AI&ES) is leading to key new developments and a high degree of innovation at the interface between these areas. Solid knowledge in Artificial Intelligence as well a strong disciplinary foundation in Engineering Systems is key for future engineers in this area, highly demanded by industry as well as academia.

The master AI&ES is intended for students interested in studying, researching and combining AI methods and engineering techniques, with the aim of understanding, using and developing real-life systems for new products in a wide area of applications. This master program highly interdisciplinary. It is covering 7 departments of Eindhoven University of Technology:

  1. Electrical Engineering
  2. Mechanical Engineering
  3. Applied Physics
  4. Industrial Engineering & Innovation Science
  5. Biomedical Engineering
  6. Built Environment
  7. Mathematics and Computer Science

Students with a bachelor degree in one of these areas can be admitted to the master AI&ES. Detailed information about the admission criteria, eventual requirements on the courses chosen in the bachelor and the pre-master program can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section.

During your study you will specialize into one of the 6 tracks, representing inter-disciplinary expertise and research areas of the 7 participating departments:

  1. High-tech systems and robotics
  2. Mobility
  3. Healthcare
  4. Smart cities
  5. Science and Discovery
  6. Manufacturing systems

The educational program is structured into:

  • 6 core courses (30 EC) in Mathematics, Learning in AI, Data Science, Engineering systems, Human interaction and ethics and Programming
  • 4 track dependent specialization courses (20 EC) covering AI and engineering, Data cultivation, Learning and AI and a disciplinary engineering course in the area of your chosen track
  • 15 EC free elective courses
  • A 10 EC challenge-based team project, including professional skills training
  • A 45 EC graduation project

When you finish your master’s degree AI&ES you are Master of Science (MSc) in Artificial Intelligence & Engineering Systems and you will receive an AI&ES-diploma. This diploma guarantees you will have developed a scientific perspective combined with an engineering approach that forms an excellent foundation for a successful career.

Why Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Systems?

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Tracks within the Master AI&ES

Students specialize in one of the 6 tracks, representing interdisciplinary expertise and research areas of the 7 participating departments:

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