ECTS points
Education type
Bachelor program
Three years
Dutch and English
Bachelor of Science

Medical care continuously develops and the human life expectancy increases. Therefore, the demand for innovative solutions to biomedical problems continues to rise. Think of medical equipment for diagnosis and treatment, new medicines or technology to grow tissue. During your study program in Medical Sciences and Technology, you will learn all about this.

You learn to understand bodily processes and develop a solid foundation in technical subjects such as mathematics and physics. These are your tools to develop new treatment methods. You learn how to use technology and turn it to your advantage. You also learn to think like an engineer: you know how to convert complex problems into realistic solutions.

Knowledge of the human body and technology

Medical Sciences and Technology is a specialized and challenging program. By combining technological expertise with in-depth knowledge of the human body, you develop the capacity and skills to develop new treatment methods and improve existing ones. This includes combining knowledge from:

  • Analysis and synthesis methods from physics and chemistry;
  • Mathematical calculation methods;
  • Scientific modeling from mechanical engineering;
  • Measuring and control systems from electrical engineering;
  • Programming methods from computer science.

Naturally, you combine this with the biological knowledge of the human body. The combination of medical sciences and technology makes this study program unique.

During your study program, you often work on projects in teams, where you translate the technical knowledge you gained into concrete solutions for a societal problem. Sometimes together with students from within your study program and sometimes in multidisciplinary teams with students from different programs. This way, you already know how to make the connection between technology and the world around you before you even start your career. And that is precisely what society needs right now.

The program of Medical Sciences and Technology is officially part of the Bachelor's degree Biomedical Engineering. After obtaining your bachelor's degree you receive your Bachelor of Science diploma in Biomedical Engineering. Do you want to know more? Check out the Degree structure for more information.

Comparable program at TU/e: Biomedical Engineering

To some extent, the program of Medical Sciences and Technology (MST) is similar to that of Biomedical Engineering (BME). In both programs, you take technical and biomedical courses to eventually contribute to improvements in the healthcare sector. With MST, you follow relatively more biology courses. You take the biomedical approach and work more fundamentally to study biomedical problems while using technology. With BME, you follow relatively more technical courses, such as mathematics, physics and computer science. The starting point is the technology, to develop technological applications in order to solve biomedical problems.

During the first year, the study programs of BME and MST are the same. This means that you can easily switch programs in the first year.

Medical Sciences and Technology at TU/e: State of the art

TU/e is a leader in biomedical engineering. In 1997, TU/e was a pioneer in Europe to start the Biomedical Engineering Bachelor's degree, which this program is part of. You are instantly involved in the latest developments in the field of biomedical engineering. We work closely together with the universities and university medical centers in Maastricht and Utrecht, the hospitals in Eindhoven and more.

Who are you?

You are curious, inquisitive about how the human body works and interested in technical solutions for medical problems. You are not afraid of technical challenges and miss the technical component in the study programs of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. You have the ambition to contribute to solving biomedical problems and improving healthcare.

Medical Sciences and Technology is a challenging program with high standards. You obtained your pre-university certificate with Mathematics B, Physics and Chemistry in your subject package. You also have a feeling for technology. Before you can apply for this bachelor's program, you first need to complete the study choice check. For more information, please consult Study Choice Check.

Because this program is partially taught in Dutch, a Dutch language requirement applies in addition to the English language requirement.

What do you want to be?

With a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering, you have a broad foundation in the field of biomedical engineering. Many students choose a master's program after graduation, such as Biomedical Engineering. You can find work at companies in medical technology, universities or academic hospitals. For information on subsequent master’s programs and future perspectives, please consult After graduation.

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Study association Protagoras

Protagoras is the study association for students of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. The board is entirely composed of students who are voluntarily committed to making a positive contribution to all facets of your student life: education, development and leisure. For instance, Protagoras is engaged in book sales. As a member, you can also use their digital exam and subject database as practice material. Naturally, they also facilitate the necessary off-time, with a wide range of activities: from drinks and theme parties to an annual symposium. Together with the department, Protagoras also organizes various professional orientation activities, such as lectures and company visits.

For more information, please consult the Protagoras website.

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This program is NVAO-accredited. In the Netherlands, the NVAO assesses the internal quality assurance of universities and colleges and the quality of their programs.


  • How do I enroll myself for a program?

    First of all, check whether you satisfy the conditions for your chosen program. You can enroll yourself on the site of studielink.

    Some programs will have a selection procedure. Check whether your program is having a selection procedure. More information about selection is given on this page.

  • How will the study load be divided during the bachelor Medical Sciences and Technology

    When you study Medical Sciences and Technology, you obtain knowledge during courses. You immediately apply this knowledge in Challenge Based Learning projects (CBL). For example, per quartile you have two subjects and one CBL, or 3 subjects (without CBL). In addition, in year 1 you also get a Skills block, in which you develop the skills you need as a biomedical engineer. You spend about half of your time on self-study, such as preparing for lectures, CBL and studying for exams. On average, you spend 40 hours per week studying.

  • What is the difference between Medical Sciences and Technology and Biomedical Engineering?

    The distribution of courses indicates that Biomedical Engineering (70%) is more technical than Medical Sciences and Technology (50%) concerning the amount of mathematics, physics and computer science. Students of Medical Sciences and Technology will be focussing more on biology and chemistry. Biomedical Engineering is developing technical solutions using biomedical knowledge, while Medical Sciences and Technology is using technical capabilities to solve biomedical problems.

  • Which courses will be taught during the bachelor Medical Sciences and Technology

    Within the program you take courses that can be roughly divided into math, physics, biology, chemistry, and computer science subjects. Within these courses, the technical knowledge is applied to medical questions. Examples of courses are "Biomechanics," "Programming for Data Analysis," "Molecular Cell Biology," and "Regeneration".