Behnaz Bagheri is an assistant professor in the Applied Physics department at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). She has expertise in multiscale modelling of electronic excitations in soft matter with the focus on polymeric systems, and in multiscale modelling of electric gas discharges. Her current research focus lies at the intersection of soft matter and plasma, where she investigates the interaction of non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasmas with biological surfaces. Bagheri employs techniques from computational quantum chemistry, classical molecular dynamics and fluid-type models in her research. Her research has applications in medicine, agriculture and public health.

A fundamental understanding is the basis of all applications.


Behnaz Bagheri obtained a BSc degree in Physics (2009), and a MSc in Condensed Matter Physics (2011), both with highest honors from Isfahan University of Technology (Iran). In 2012, she completed the Postgraduate Diploma program of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Italy) in Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics. She then started her PhD program at the University of Waterloo & the prestigious Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada. In 2015, she moved with her group to TU/e in the Mathematics and Computer Science department. After successfully defending her PhD thesis in 2017, Bagheri worked as a postdoc at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica for 3 years. Since 2020, she is an assistant professor in the Applied Physics department at TU/e.

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