Cas Pouw is a Doctoral Candidate in the department of Applied Physics and Science Education at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Currently he is working on the project 'HTCrowd' --- a cutting-edge initiative focused on advancing human crowd flow monitoring, modeling, and nudging technologies. 

The goal of his research is to enhance our fundamental understanding of pedestrian dynamics, paving the way for safer and more efficient pedestrian environments. Cas studies the collective behavior of pedestrians in crowded settings, utilizing equations and properties inspired by fluid dynamics to describe and model complex crowd flows.


Cas Pouw earned his master's degree in Applied Physics from Eindhoven University of Technology, specializing in the Fluids and Flows group. He successfully graduated in 2020, culminating his academic endeavors with a master's thesis titled 'Efficient and scalable analytics frameworks for high-statistics crowd dynamics,' under the supervision of Prof. Federico Toschi and Dr. Alessandro Corbetta.

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