Marco Mamprin was born in the province of Treviso, north-east of Italy, in December 1988.

He received his BSc Degree in Telecommunication Engineering from Polytechnic of Turin, Italy, in July 2014. Before graduating and while writing his BSc Thesis in Passive Optical Networks, he moved in Padua, Italy, for an experience of two years as consultant in Vodafone Telecommunication Company.

While working, in 2016 he then moved to Trieste, Italy, to study Clinical and Biomedical engineering with a jointly degree program at University of Trieste, Italy, and University of Padua, Italy. During his second year, he moved to the Netherlands and he spent a semester in the Electrical Engineering department of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Here he completed the Erasmus program and a short internship in the Video Coding and Architectures (VCA) – Signal Processing Systems Group, working on spectral image analysis for patient tracking in spinal surgery, which will be presented at IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP) 2018. He then has been enrolled in TU/e for his MSc Thesis, continuing on request of Philips Healthcare on the same topic, but on optical images collected with a new augmented-reality surgical navigation technology. With this project, published later in BioMedical Engineering OnLine journal, he graduated in Trieste and obtained the joint title in March 2018.

He is continuing his research as a PhD candidate in the VCA group of TU/e focusing on the development of a computer-based decision system to assist cardiologist for a specific cardiac surgery, project which is financed by the European commission.

Ancillary Activities

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