The popularity of quantum key distribution (QKD) originates primarily from its compelling promise of providing a theoretically secure way of sharing secret keys between remote users. Nowadays, QKD has grown into a mature technology in real-world application and has become a precursor in Quantum Information Processing.
However, while the QKD protocols have been demonstrated as a potential candidate in future networks, it has yet to be widely adopted. One of the biggest obstacles is that MDI-QKD experiments have boomed in bulk components implementations, leaving connecting multiple users an expensive and massive construction project. Photonic integrated circuits (PICs), which combine numerous optical components onto a small semiconductor chip, are the best candidates to respond to this demand.
Our long-term ambition is to go beyond the current state of the art by developing and validating the high-speed MDI-QKD transmitter in the Indium phosphide platform. Our objective is to confirm the feasibility of the integrated MDI-QKD system and its prominent superiority in long-distance key distribution networks without the need for trusted relays. We hope to represent an essential step in promoting quantum communications as a dependable resource in today's world.