Conventional networks make use of specialized algorithms that run directly on hardware devices deployed along the network. All the decision making happens within the hardware itself. This approach, although successful, imposes some limitations for growing, more demanding networks.
Next generation Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have enabled hyperconnectivity of devices, people and services, as well as new research and engineering challenges. Next generation services will increase the demand for dynamicity, connectivity, latency, reliability and security among other things. In order to meet these strict requirements, as well as processing huge amounts of data generated by IoT devices, it is necessary to give networks more flexibility and dynamicity.
Software Defined Networks (SDN) is a new network paradigm that separates the control plane (network behavior) from the data plane (traffic forwarding). That means, the intelligence of the networks moves from the hardware devices to a logically centralized single software platform, the controller, whose purpose is to provide networks with the flexibility and dynamicity required for keeping up with next generation IoT technologies, such as edge computing, modern data centers, 5G networks, and quantum secured data communications.