Arjan Markus
a.markus@ tue.nlDepartment / Institute
Arjan Markus is an Assistant Professor with tenure in the Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship, and Marketing (ITEM) group at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research focuses on collaboration networks and ecosystems in innovation. His work has been published or is forthcoming in the Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy, Scientometrics, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and Social Networks.
He co-obtained three large-scale Horizon Europe grants with European consortia, studying business models and ecosystems in agrifood (Code: Re-farm), research and innovation (COOPERATE), and the food value chain (CUES). Recently, he is also part of REWIRE, a four-year project funded by NWO that focuses on how ecosystem collaboration can spur the transition to circular agriculture.
Arjan Markus is co-promotor of:
- Britt Smulders
- Camilla van den Boom
- Coen Visser
- Maryam Mazaheri
- Britt Stegers
- Dante Göbbels
- Sili Wang
Arjan Markus holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Management from Copenhagen Business School. During his Ph.D. and as a postdoc, he visited the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining the Eindhoven University of Technology, Arjan worked as an Assistant Professor at Tilburg University. He teaches the Master course Strategy and Technology Management and the Bachelor course Organizing Entrepreneurship. He co-supervises seven Ph.D. candidates and has supervised over 40 master theses and 40 bachelor projects.
Recent Publications
Imagining alternative futures for the Dutch poultry industry
Futures (2025) -
Maturity Assessment of Green Patent Clusters
Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2024) -
Sensemaking and evidence in criminal investigations of organised crime
International Journal of Police Science & Management (2024) -
Creating Value to Address Urban Challenges in Nascent Ecosystems
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2024) -
Network dynamics and its impact on innovation outcomes
Social Networks (2023)
Ancillary Activities
No ancillary activities