Diana Leitao is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her research focus on exploring novel thin-film stackings and fabrication methods to improve the performance of magnetic sensors and engineer additional functionalities. She is an expert in micro/nanofabrication with strong focus on electron beam lithography and process development for magnetoresistive nanodevices. The technology being developed has applications in the data-storage and automotive industry, nondestructive testing, and biomedical devices.


Diana Leitao has a PhD in Physics from the University of Porto. Her thesis was done in close collaborations with the Materials Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC). She then joined INESC Microsystems and Nanotechnologies in Lisbon as a postdoctoral researcher, and later won an FCT Investigator Starting Grant. During this time, she worked closely with key players in the automotive industry on the development of magnetoresistive sensing technologies.  She was also an invited assistant professor at the Physics Department of the Technical University of Lisbon. She joined TU/e in 2021.

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