Hanbit Chang is a PhD Candidate in a research initiative centered on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for sustainable last-mile delivery through micromobility. Her primary focus lies in unraveling the influence of digital technologies on the mobilities of individuals, goods, and data within the urban context. Her research delves into the intricate dynamics of urban streetscapes, shaped by diverse transportation modes and navigation software tailored for last-mile logistics. This encompasses the food and grocery delivery platforms, along with burgeoning demand for same-day delivery options.

Within her doctoral project, Hanbit Chang is committed to rendering last-mile logistics more sustainable and equitable for both consumers and delivery personnel. Her research primarily explores the escalating integration of AI in route planning, dynamic pricing strategies, and performance evaluation. The core of her academic pursuit lies in conducting socio-technical and critical geographical analyses of location data and algorithms, contributing insights into the interplay between technological advancements and socio-spatial structures in cities.

Currently, she is actively engaged in her collaborative research project with PostNL, exploring how sustainable last-mile logistics are imagined, strategized, and realized. This endeavor brings to light both the potential and challenges of using light electric freight vehicles, associated with envisioning and implementing a more sustainable delivery, both environmentally and socially.


Hanbit Chang holds a Master's degree in Human Geography and Planning from Utrecht University. Her thesis focused on commercial gentrification in Seoul, South Korea, exploring the ways in which images circulated among female millennials and their algorithmic representation on Instagram contribute to the aestheticization of the urban streetscape.

During her bachelor's studies, Hanbit pursued Urban Sociology and Seoul Studies at the University of Seoul. This program equipped her with a comprehensive interdisciplinary foundation, fostering her development as a researcher integrating sociology, urban planning, and economic geography.

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