Jari van Steen is a PhD student working in the Dynamics and Control section of the Mechanical Engineering faculty. He is involved in the H2020 European project on Impact Aware Manipulation (I.AM.), which aims to exploit impacts in robotics, to improve applicability of robots in a logistic setting. His main focus is on impact-aware control, dealing with the rapid velocity changes of the robot upon impacts in a robust manner, without losing control performance. 


Jari van Steen obtained his master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology in 2020. In 2018, he did an internship at UNC Asheville, NC regarding trajectory tracking of a knife-edge on a smooth manifold. In 2019, he started his graduation project at ASML regarding Model Order Reduction techniques for interface dynamics. In 2020, he started as a PhD student within the Dynamics and Control section of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His current research interests are robot control, nonsmooth mechanics, and impact dynamics.

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