Knowledge Valorisation Officer

Karen Luijten-Hoffman

Department / Institute
Research Support and Valorization


Having been a project development officer at Eindhoven University of Technology, and a program expert regional funding within the TU/e Research Support Office (RSO) Karen Luijten acknowledges the importance of professional growth. Karen is currently dedicated to developing the RSN Academy.

The RSN Academy is a platform for learning and sharing knowledge within the TU/e community of research support staff. Its aim is to accelerate professional growth of research support staff through creating a vibrant 'community of practice', organizing regular training and coaching sessions on all the topics that make research support professionals tick.

Making you grow as a Research Support professional


Karen Luijten graduated from TU/e in 1992 with a master's degree in mechanical and biomedical engineering. She worked in industry in several product development, consultancy and quality assurance functions. Karen's industrial background helps to build bridges between the academic and industrial world.

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