Doctoral Candidate

Naveen Guruprasad


Naveen Guruprasad is a PhD Researcher in the Chemical Reactor Enginerring Group (SPE-CRE) under the supervision of Prof John van der Schaaf and M.T de Groot. Naveen's primary research focus is on electrochemical engineering , predominately with hydrogen production technologies like alkaline, PEM and AEM water electrolysers. In particular, developing membrane electrode assemblies and evaluating cell performance of different cell chemistries over range of different operating regimes.


Naveen Guruprasad was born in Bangalore, India in 1993. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from KLE Technological University. He then moved to Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany to obtain his Master's degree in Sustainable Systems Engineering with primary focus on renewable energy systems and sustainable materials. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Eindhoven University of Technology and working on producing cost-effective hydrogen by anion exchange membrane water electrolysis.

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