Sjoerd van Tuijl started  working for HemoLab in the beginning of 2005. Combining his mechanical engineering skills with a strong interest in the biomedical field is his strength. He is involved in several design and development projects concerning experimental test facilities for (simulation of) the heart, heart valves and coronary arteries among others. His current focus is working on a multi-purpose isolated pig heart phantom as an animal testing alternative.

Before he started working for HemoLab he was a support staff member. He graduated in 2003 at the Fontys Hogescholen in Eindhoven on "The production of trileaflet valvular polycaprolactone scaffolds with fused deposition modeling" (BMTE 03.25) in cooperation with TNO Industrie and The Eindhoven University of Technology. As a support staff member he is involved in the EURODISC project on intervertebral disc degeneration.

Ancillary Activities

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