Progress through connection

The Office for Alumni Relations connects alumni, TU/e and students. We help each other, with practical support, inspiration, and our networks. Because connection is our basis for progress. Benefits:

  • Build alumni community
  • Expand knowledge 
  • Promote research
  • Stay in contact with your Alma Mater
In Short

Alumnus in the spotlight: Chris van Kreij

"Hop on that bike! The combination of exercise and relaxation stimulates your creativity."

Ton Backx

A great result of open collaboration

"At TU/e, we were researching fiber optics and light refraction. Simply put, that comes down to the following: you send light through a fiber, and you bend that fiber in different ways. Then you can measure how the passage of light through the fiber changes as a result of the bending. The measurement data tells you more about, for example, the angle and force of the bend."

Building the impossible car

There were more than enough people who raised their eyebrows when they heard about Team Solar’s ambition: creating a fully functional, sturdy, electric off-road vehicle. To make it even more special: make it completely autonomous. And have it approved for driving it on Dutch roads. But that is exactly what Team Solar Eindhoven pulled off with the Stella Terra. A huge off-road car with a 145 Km/ph top speed and an autonomous range of 630 kilometers.

‘I now know that I can do it on my own, but I no longer want to’

Alumna Linda Zandt-Sloot managed to turn her challenges into her great strength and now co-runs a successful startup. Persevering and proving that you can do it despite the setbacks and adversity; Linda Zandt-Sloot knows exactly how this feels. After a difficult start in elementary school and years of problems with her physical health, she graduated cum laude from the Data Science master’s program at the age of 38.

Shedding light on bioluminiscent sensors

Despite the T in TU/e’s name, not everything is 100% technology all the time. When they were still Students, Eva van Haalen en Harm van der Veer, started a project to detect viruses and infections using light. To make this work, they needed a biological component to make certain elements give off the right type of light. Their search led them to the fluorescent material found in the body of shrimps that live miles below the surface of the oceans.

Better stoves for Ugandese families

In many countries people use traditional methods and stoves for cooking. This poses several problems. Safety is an obvious one. Also, they use fuels a source of CO2- and other emissions and cause health problems. When family members become sick, their children – especially the daughters – must take care of them. This obligation and the fact that they often spend hours collecting firewood, keeps them from school. They don’t get a proper education and end up in poverty too.

Sustainable renovations thanks to AI

Long before schoolkids asked ChatGPT to write their essays for them, AI already was a useful companion for scientists and researchers. This application is something completely different. It is a calculator, programmed and trained for a very specific purpose: calculating the fastest and most economical way to insulate houses built between 1945 and 1990.

Eindhoven University Fund receives legacy of over 5 million euro

The University Fund Eindhoven has received its largest-ever donation, earmarked for groundbreaking health research, including a 'smart' mat for premature babies developed in collaboration with the Máxima Medical Center.

Magazine Progress through Connection

This magazine contains beautiful and inspiring stories of our alumni.

New ways of cooperating

As the Office of Alumni Relations, we see the added value of working with partners like ASML almost every day.

Role models

Alumnae that lead by example

An interview with Tessie Hartjes and Harry Otten

Lightyear One: take two

We are a University Fund that helps finance scientific projects that are, for the larger part, based on fundamental research.

Connecting via Coaching

If you as alumnus are interested in coaching students, student teams or start-ups, to share your experience with the new generation, that would be great.

Life long learning

(Technological) developments in society need continuous education of personnel. Would you like to keep up with these changes and develop your individual qualities based on personal interests?

Euflex Jobs

Are you or is your company looking for good technically trained people? Choose for a TU/e student via Euflex Technificent.

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Stay connected with your alma mater TU/e by subscribing to the Alumni Portal. With this portal you can easily update your contact details to stay in contact with TU/e, connect with former classmates, access news and events, and even become a coach to share your expertise. Plus, enjoy perks like discounted sports cards and extended student email access.


Almost every week we read about yet another new innovation around the energy transition. That progress is wonderful, of course. But all those individual inventions do not add up to the solution. In fact, they may even get in each other’s way. What does work? System thinking. And you can read all about that in this shortread about EIRES, our institute for renewable energy.

Events Alumni

We regularly update our upcoming events in this slider. For information on our past events, please scroll to the end. 

TU/e Innovation Night 21 November 2024

HTC lecture on Photonica - Monday October 28

TU/e Career Night 2 December 2024

Past events

Alumni in the spotlight

Alumni who received a special scholarship or - with their own company - make the news or win prizes. We honor them in this section.


In her own words, Beatrix Bos is a project manager and impact creator.  The latter we can confirm from experience, after she hosted one of our events.Beatrice is a TU/e Alumna, a former Sustainable Innovation student with a master in Sustainable Energy Technology and a true energy transition evangelist. If we could harvest her energy when she talks about the subject, we could probably do with one or two less windmill parks. We also view her as a role model to women in science, tech and/or engineering.



For Life. For the World. For the Better. 

These words form the motto of our University Fund. They represent our ambition to contribute to the solution of societal issues. As Eindhoven University Fund, we therefore support researchers and students. 

Support TU/e research or talent

Make a difference with us and also contribute financially to a project that you care about. Big or small, both are an expression of commitment and we value them very much. You will give back something that is meaningful and appropriate for your situation and for the university. That is what makes a real community.


Stay in touch


The office for Alumni Relations connects alumni, TU/e and students. We help each other, with practical support, inspiration and our networks. Connection is our basis for progress.
Do you have any suggestions on how we can strengthen the alumni community even more?  Please contact us via the button below.