Carolina Recart is an architect by training who ventured into the realm of civil and environmental engineering, earning her Ph.D. at the University of Washington. Her doctoral research centered on investigating the unintended consequences of energy retrofits, particularly when overlooking the hygrothermal performance of the building envelope. This experience has shaped her focus on sustainable architectural design, highlighting the importance of both conceptual design and its practical implementation using environmentally conscious materials and construction methods.

Presently, she holds the position of Postdoctoral Fellow at TU/e in the Netherlands, where she is dedicated to understanding strategies aimed at reducing energy demands in existing buildings. Her work explores the integration of sustainable design principles in the retrofitting process, considering both technological advancements and the materialization of architectural designs. Her primary focus lies in addressing energy performance of residential buildings, aiming to explore innovative future scenarios for energy consumption. By doing so, she strives to provide insights for informed decision-making in energy-efficient retrofitting projects that align with the principles of low energy buildings and sustainability in architecture.

Alongside her research endeavors, she takes great pleasure in reviewing peer-reviewed journals. As an early-career researcher, she is actively seeking editorial opportunities to contribute to the academic community while honing her skills and expertise in the field of sustainable architectural design and the practical aspects of architectural engineering.

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