Degree structure

The information provided on this page is relevant for all master’s tracks within the master’s programs Biomedical Engineering and Medical Engineering; it will give you an overview of all the possible specializations.

When you choose this master’s track, you will officially enroll in the master’s program Biomedical Engineering or Medical Engineering. The following master’s tracks are part of the masters Biomedical and Medical Engineering:

Tracks in the master’s program Biomedical Engineering:

  • Regenerative engineering,
  • Regenerative medicine and technology (with Utrecht University),
  • Biomechanics and mechanobiology,
  • Chemical biology, materials and nanomedicine,
  • Biomedical imaging and modelling,
  • Medical imaging (with Utrecht University).

Tracks in the master’s program Medical Engineering:

  • Biomechanics,
  • Medical imaging and modelling,
  • Medical imaging (with Utrecht University).

Specialization within the master’s track

After you enrolled for a master’s program, you will choose your master’s track and you will specify your master’s track further by choosing a specialization. This specialization corresponds with a research group and professor who will guide you during the master’s program. You can find an overview of the research groups on our education guide. 

The education guide of our master’s programs also provides you with all the information about the course program, internship and graduation project. Furthermore, you can find the exact division of ECTS per component in the study program in the education guide and an overview of which master’s program and master’s track you can choose per specialization (on the page about Master choice). During your study time at the TU/e you will also use the education guide as your source of information for general study related information.

Education guide Master Biomedical Engineering
Education guide Master Medical Engineering