After you graduate

Thanks to TU/e’s central position in the Brainport region, this track – and the Human-Technology Interaction master’s program as a whole – features unique opportunities to interact with a world-renowned high-tech and deep-tech innovation ecosystem. TU/e Innovation Space, for instance, provides a community for students to practice challenge-based learning and entrepreneurship via complex societal and industrial challenges with researchers, businesses and over 40 student teams. In fact, TU/e is globally renowned for scoring the best on collaborations with the top 500 most innovative companies in the world. By the time you graduate, you will have therefore built up a strong network through which to seek out career options.

With the rise of AI, the job market increasingly demands young talents who understand not only the workings of AI methods but also how to engineer AI-driven systems and products that are optimized for user experience and critical human values. Graduates from this track will therefore be able to work as UX researchers and/or designers of AI-driven products, consultants on the implementation of AI technologies in various domains (such as health, education, human resources, consumer products and mobility) and, if they choose to develop strong technical skills, (behavioral) data scientists/analysts. There are also ample opportunities for research positions at universities, such as PhD projects in the field of human-centered AI.