Master Automotive Technology

Kevin Hartjes

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"I'm working on new technology that will help reduce (pollutant) emissions in combustion engines by designing the combustion chamber of a zero-emission hydrogen gas turbine. In this project I can really indulge my passion for automotive technology in general, and combustion engines in particular. This is inspiring work, because this way I can contribute to making mobility more sustainable. I want to show that combustion engines still have a future."

"This master is interdisciplinary: Core courses from various fields are offered, such as mechanical, electrical and model-driven software engineering. This gives me the opportunity to study the car as a system (made) from multiple disciplines within the field of automotive. Besides that, there is a relatively large amount of free space to add interesting courses of your choice to the curriculum. You can make this study as broad and as narrow as you like. Moreover, you work in project teams a lot. By doing so, you learn many valuable professional skills, such as project-based working and cooperation with students and companies from different disciplines. Those skills are important and highly-valued when you start working in the automotive industry. Knowledge of the technology is crucial, but these skills are just as essential for your development as a multidisciplinary automotive engineer of the future."