ECTS points
Education type
Bachelor program
Program with selection
Three years
Bachelor of Science

Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences is closer to you than you might think. Have a look around. The house and neighborhood you live in, the school you go to or the mall you buy your clothes at; you are surrounded by architecture, urbanism and building sciences. This is what makes the bachelor's program Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences (AUBS) so interesting.

What's in the program?

During your studies you discover how our living environment is constructed and how it is ever changing. You also get an insight in the way we adjust or reconstruct buildings, neighborhoods or entire cities. Based on the ever-changing demands of the residents and users and with the help of the latest technological advancements.

Multidisciplinary education

The bachelor's degree Architecture, Urbanism & Building Sciences is versatile and challenging. It is a mix of theory and practice, thinking and doing. The disciplines you will be studying include:

  • Architecture
    How do you construct a sustainable building based on the wishes of the users and using the latest technologies?
  • Urbanism
    How do you design a city, taking into account economic, social, political and environmental requirements?
  • Building Sciences
    The design methods that lead to a sustainable, healthy, comfortable and productive indoors and outdoors living environment.
  • Structural design
    Study aspects of material efficiency and sustainability, construction renovations, safety and the reliability and optimization of structures.
  • Real estate
    Learn how to develop a people-oriented environment that is prepared for the challenges our ever-changing world faces.

Due to this multidisciplinary way of working, you are able to gain a broad insight in the design of buildings, houses, offices, museums or even entire neighborhoods. You will deepen your knowledge about the technology, design and the construction process.

You learn about the cohesion between various disciplines during design projects. You will also discover which discipline best fits you and where you want to develop your knowledge during the second year. During the third year you learn how to combine the various specialisms. For instance, by working in teams to complete multidisciplinary design assignments.

After graduating, you receive your Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences. Do you want to know more? Check out the Course structure for more information.

Technology at TU/e: innovative and creative

At TU/e you learn to think about innovation in the building industry. Therefore, we are looking for students who know technology and are creative and care for social causes as well. Students have a good experience with TU/e. It is relatively small but offers ample space to design your own academic pathway. Right from the start of your program, you have the possibility to design your own program with specialized courses inside your study track or outside. This space for electives gives you the chance to create your own academic pathway.

During your studies you work in teams to solve structural design challenges. In other words; you translate the technical know-how into concrete solutions for a societal issue. Sometimes together with students from inside your program and sometimes in multidisciplinary teams with students from different programs. This way, you are already well-versed in combining technology with the world around us before you even start your career, which is exactly what the world needs right now. This leaves you with great job opportunities after graduating. Especially at the Brainport Eindhoven: the technical hotspot of Europe where TU/e is located. There is a reason TU/e is among the top European institutions when it comes to collaborating with the business sector.

Who are you?

The building industry is a fascinating, innovative environment with a diverse set of disciplines. This is why we are looking for students who are able to think outside of the box and are not afraid to turn the world upside down. The building industry always needs people who think differently, professionals who dare to make a difference.

As an Architecture, Urbanism & Building Sciences student, be prepared to put in the effort. You successfully completed your pre-university certificate, including mathematics B and physics. Affinity with architecture, urbanism and structural engineering is a requirement, experience with building sciences or drawing will come in handy. You have to pass the selection procedure before being admitted to the bachelor's program. For more information, please visit the Admission and Enrolment page.

What do you want to be?

With a degree in Architecture, Urbanism & Building Sciences you have a broad base as structural engineer. Most of our students pursue a master's degree before starting their careers. The potential work field ranges from government to architectural firms and from housing associations to construction companies. Check out the possibilities on the After graduation page.

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Admission and Enrollment

What program type do you want?

Where did you get your degree?

Which program are you interested in?

Study association CHEOPS

The department of the Built Environment has its own study association called CHEOPS, that protects the interests of students. They try to show you your future subject area from a different angle. For instance, through excursions, lectures, symposia and a field trip. In addition, the study association strengthens the bonds between you and your fellow students by organizing weekly meet-ups, sports events, field trips and parties. This allows you to explore your professional future outside of the campus buildings. For more information, please visit the CHEOPS website. 

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This program is NVAO-accredited. In the Netherlands, the NVAO assesses the internal quality assurance of universities and colleges and the quality of their programs.


  • Do you need to be creative or technical for the TU/e study Built Environment?

    A lot of people assume that ‘being creative’ means that you have to be good at drawing or crafts and making models. The main advantage is being able to think in a solution focused and/or analytical way, and draw a sketch to clarify to others what you mean. It’s not a requirement to be able to draw well, since a lot is done digitally nowadays. You will learn the basics of hand drawing during the bachelor program, so that after you will able to draw a sketch if needed to explain others your ideas. But ‘creativity’ is a broader concept, students can also be creative in problem solving or...

  • Do you need to work in groups when you study in the Bachelor AUBS?

    Yes, the skill ‘cooperation’ is a formal learning objective for the studies as a link to the practice. Our graduates will often work for or with clients in a multidisciplinary team environment.

  • What about my level of English?

    All courses are delivered in English at our department. If you are a student with a Dutch previous education, we assume that your English level should be adequate if you passed your VWO English course. If you still feel insecure about your English skills, we advise you to already study the language prior to the start of your study. For example you can take an English course, read or listen English (audio)books or install a language app on your cell phone. Or learn to speak English on your holiday!
    International students also need to be proficient in the English language, this is one of the...

  • What are the admission requirements for the Bachelor AUBS and how does the selection process for the Bachelor work?

    Please visit the website to see the requirements and specifics. This is the main source of information and it will be updated if needed. There are no guarantees that the information and requirements will remain the same for several years, so please look at information for the academic year you want to apply for.

  • What are the career possibilities after the masterstudy?

    You will be educated to go and work in the built environment or to do research at a university. Depending on the followed master track, you can become an architect, urban designer, real estate manager or do urban planning. Or you can become an engineer or researcher in the field of construction, acoustics, lighting, heat or energy. In your work you can focus on important topics like re-use of buildings, sustainability and Smart Cities.

  • What distinguishes the TU/e bachelor program of AUBS from other comparable bachelor programs?

    The bachelor program of the department Built Environment TU/e is characterized by a broad spectrum profile, combining Architecture with elements of Civil engineering. You can choose to specialize or broaden your own study program from the very start, which is unique. The bachelor program has three profiles:
    -          B (PSD): Building Physics and Services/Structural design
    -          (UDE): Architectural Urban Design and Engineering
    -          (SRE): Urban Systems and Real Estate
    With the first year hands-on project course of BAU studio 1 students explore and experience these three...

  • What is the average study load? What does it entail?

    All studies at the Built Environment  are full-time studies, requiring a full-time commitment. On average you will have to study approximately 40 hours a week to be successful, depending on your capacities, interests and work discipline. Our programs are characterized by frequent deadlines for handing in work, which requires strict discipline and planning skills in order to keep up with the material. In the first year of the Bachelor, students will have around 32 hours a week of contact hours on campus. There’s a lot of supervised group- and individual work incorporated in the studies.

  • What is the difference between a Dutch University (Academic/Scientific Education) and a Dutch ‘Hogeschool HBO’ (Applied higher education)?

    The Dutch higher education system can be slightly confusing to people from foreign countries. There are two main types of higher education, HBO and WO. Both may be referred to as ‘university’. Technical University Eindhoven TU/e  is a WO academic or science and research oriented educational institute, offering 3-year Bachelor of Science and 2-year Master of Science programs.  HBO or Hogeschool institutes are focused on applied higher education and usually offer 4-year Bachelor programs geared more towards the practical labor market. The academic universities (WO) are the highest possible level...

  • What is the next step after the bachelor program of AUBS?

    A successful graduation of the bachelor examination gives direct access to the following TU/e Graduate School programs:

    -  Architecture, Building and Planning
    -  Construction Management and Engineering
    -  Science Education and Communication
    As well as the following master programs at other universities in the Netherlands:

    -  Construction Management and Engineering (TUD, UT)
    -  Integrated Product Design (TUD)
    -  Strategic Product Design (TUD)
    -  Design for Interaction (TUD)
    -  Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TUD)
    -  Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society (UT)
    With your AUBS...