ECTS points
Education type
Bachelor program
Three years
Bachelor of Science

What do artificial heart valves, renewable energy, plastic sandwich bags and medicines have in common? Chemical engineers were at the cradle of these phenomena. As a chemical engineer, you design responsive materials for soft robotics, find cleaner sources of energy, and develop off-grid mini-plants to produce cheap chemicals (e.g. fertilizer). Therefore, highly educated engineers in the field of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry are always on high demand.

What's in the program?

Chemical Engineering and Chemistry is about societal issues, but also about small useful applications in daily life. As a chemical engineer, you sometimes work at nanoscale - designing new molecules and developing smart materials. However, you can also work at macroscale - optimizing and scaling-up production processes. The applications are limitless: treating illnesses, preventing scarcity of natural resources such as water and oil, or inventing intelligent textile fibers and smart packaging materials. 

Multidisciplinary education

The Bachelor's program in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry is a study program where you learn from various disciplines, so you develop skills necessary for every engineer. The research is broad and has a great reach into other specializations. This is also reflected in the study program, which contains themes relevant to society, such as sustainable energy and health. The disciplines you will be studying include:

  • Chemistry
    Much like the chemistry you had in high school, you learn about how molecules are composed and how to synthesize them.
  • Materials science
    You learn how substances behave and how to assign specific characteristics to molecules, for instance to make a breathable raincoat.
  • Process engineering
    How do you arrange that processes developed on small scale in the lab, such as creating a self-healing coating for smartphones, can be executed continuously and on a large scale?

Our multidisciplinary way of working, which allows for a lot of freedom to design your own study program, gives you the necessary comprehensive insight in developing new substances and materials and the ability to analyze and fine tune processes.

You learn about the cohesion between various disciplines during design projects. You will also learn which specialism fits you best and where you want to develop your knowledge. Moreover, you learn how to bring various specialisms together. For instance, by working in teams on multidisciplinary design assignments.

After graduating, you obtain your Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. Do you want to know more? Check out the Course structure for more information.

Chemistry at the TU/e: internationally renowned with the convivial touch of Brabant

Our study program is one of the biggest in the Netherlands when it comes to chemical engineering. The lecturers and professors put a lot of their time into doing research. They implement new results from the research immediately in the lectures. This way, you are always up to date with the latest developments in your field. As a student you also make use of the advanced research facilities within our department. The study program is both nationally and globally renowned since our department conducts a lot of application-oriented research, often in close collaboration with the chemical industry. In fact, the Chemical Engineering part of our study program has the IChemE label and the Chemistry part was awarded the Chemistry Eurobachelor label by the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN). Both labels are a testimony to the high standard of education. Among our professors, there are 4 NWO Spinoza prize winners, the highest Dutch scientific distinction. As a student, this is to your benefit!

Our department has a tight-knit, yet open, culture. Both senior students and lecturers are there to help you and answer your questions. Either informally, or in coaching facilities offered by the TU/e. And apart from the atmosphere being challenging and inspiring, it’s also very welcoming. We want you to feel at home in our community. This is the typical hospitality of the province of Noord-Brabant.

Why choose for the university of technology?

At a university of technology, research is done on chemical processes and its applications. A general university focuses more on theoretical research and education. You could say that chemists at a general university develop reactions in labs. Chemical engineers at the TU/e also do that, and in addition they learn how to apply results to processes relevant to the industry. Do you discover that, during your bachelor's program, the chemistry side appeals more to you? Then there are also excellent possibilities to graduate in that direction in Eindhoven. The benefit is that you also gained knowledge on process technology and materials science.

Who are you?

Of course you think chemistry is interesting. In high school you have in addition to chemistry, mathematics and physics as a final subject. You are curious and inquisitive. You like doing projects with concrete results and want to contribute to products and materials that make a difference in society. You enjoy working in teams and with people from other disciplines. You want to develop your communication skills, because you are going to need them later in your career. Is this you? Then you’ll fit right in in the Bachelor's program of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. Note that you have to complete the mandatory study choice check to be admitted to this bachelor's program. For more information, please consult the Study Choice Check.

What do you want to be?

With a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry you have a broad foundation as a chemical engineer. Most of our students pursue a master's program before starting their careers. The potential work field of a chemical engineer ranges from the government to food producer and from research lab to chemical industry. Check out the possibilities at After graduation.

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Study association T.S.V. 'Jan Pieter Minckelers' (Japie)

T.S.V. 'Jan Pieter Minckelers', otherwise called 'Japie', is the study association of the department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Japie is an association for and run by students that protects the interests of the students at the department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, and offers them possibilities for personal development. On the one hand, they try to show the students their subject area from a different angle, by organizing excursions, talks and symposia and a study tour. On the other hand, the association organizes sports tournaments, parties, weekly drinks, fun weekends and other types of leisure activities to strengthen the bonds between its members.

IChemE accreditation

Demonstrating that our program is academically sound and industrially relevant, the Chemical Engineering and Chemistry bachelor’s program is awarded the 'Internationally Accredited Degree' by The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).

The Chemical Engineering and Chemistry program at Eindhoven University of Technology has been awarded the Chemistry Eurobachelor label from the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN). This demonstrates that our program can be compared to other chemistry bachelor's programs in Europe.

This program is NVAO-accredited. In the Netherlands, the NVAO assesses the internal quality assurance of universities and colleges and the quality of their programs.

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