Student Fraction and Association

Groep één

Groep-één is a fraction of student-representatives in the University Council and an important link between the Executive Board and the students.

About us

Groep-één is the largest party in the University Council of the TU/e, which is the highest co-determination organ of the university. We represent all student interests in high level decision-making to maintain the best quality of education and to create a safe and comfortable environment where students can realize their full potential.


  • 03 Sep
    24 Sep
    [Translate to English:]

    World Press Photo Exhibition 2024

    September 3, 2024 8:00 AM - September 24, 2024 / Atlas building, ground floor

  • 04 Sep
    24 Sep

    Guided Tours: World Press Photo Exhibition 20

    September 4, 2024 12:40 PM - September 24, 2024 / Atlas building, ground floor

  • 20 Sep
    Geometric Partial Differential Equations in Deep Learning and Image Processing

    PhD defense Bart Martin Nicolas Smets

    September 20, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 20 Sep
    Tailoring Isotactic Polypropylene Film Properties for Sustainable Packaging

    PhD defense Nikolaos Ioannis Sigalas

    September 20, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 20 Sep
    The Efficacy of Electrohysterography in Evaluating Uterine Activity

    PhD defense Maria Wilhelmina Elisabeth Frenken

    September 20, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 24 Sep
    Remote care and sensor technology in heart failure management

    PhD defense Cyrille Herkert

    September 24, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 24 Sep
    ALT lunch roundtable

    Healthcare applications in the classroom: Introducing a simulated environment

    In this lunch roundtable, Sveta Zinger (associate professor) and Jesper Pilmeyer (PhD researcher) of the Electrical Engineering department…

  • 24 Sep
    Process, Data, Conceptual Knowledge, and AI: What can they do together?

    EAISI lecture of Visiting Professor Chiara Ghidini

    Process, Data, Conceptual Knowledge, and AI: What can they do together? Chiara Ghidini is a full professor at the Free University of…

  • 24 Sep
    Crafting Smart Homes

    PhD defense Chuan Ma

    September 24, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 25 Sep

    Workshop on modular publishing

    September 25, 2024 1:00 PM / Eindhoven University of Technology

  • 25 Sep
    The Complexity of Bisimilarity by Partition Refinement

    PhD defense Jan Josephus Martinus Martens

    September 25, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 25 Sep
    Plasmonic Particle Arrays for Vibrational Strong Coupling and Polaritonic Chemistry

    PhD defense Francesco Verdelli

    September 25, 2024 / TU/e Campus

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