Overview communities

Please tick the right filters and find the community or communities you are looking for!

  • Business association

    Business Core Eindhoven

    Business Core Eindhoven stimulates contact between companies and students by organising lunch lectures, business cases, a symposium and…

  • Career Services

    Career Academy

    Making a good start is half the battle. Your career does not happen upon graduation, your career is happening right now! Are you not…

  • Study association


    CHEOPS, Study Association of the Built Environment is the main study association of the faculty of the Built Environment representing her…

  • Doing Good Better

    Effective Altruism Eindhoven

    We support students in finding the most effective ways they can improve the world.

  • [Translate to English:]
    We are the matchmakers between TU/e students and companies in the Brainport region

    EuFlex Technificent

  • Study association


    GEWIS (short for GEmeenschap van Wiskunde en Informatica Studenten), the study association for Mathematics and Computer Science students, is…

  • Study association


    Industria is the study association for BSc Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, MSc Innovation Management and MSc Operations…

  • Career services


    Integrand brings students and companies together. Our mission is to help students get an internship and to develop their business skills.

  • Study association


    Intermate is the study association for all students of the Innovation Sciences subdepartment.

  • Study association


    Lucid is the study association that supports the Industrial Design students at the University of Technology Eindhoven in their studies.

  • [Translate to English:]


    The goal of MyFuture is to stimulate career orientation for all TU/e students. MyFuture provides an overview of all career-related…

  • Business association

    Next move

    Next Move is the gateway to knowledge, expertise and capital for entrepreneurs with growth plans in the Brainport region.