EM sensor

Low frequency EM sensor for Detection of Hemp Farm


The detection of improper energy consumption is of direct interest for electrical network companies. Together with safety concerns, the fraud reaches 15% of the total grid losses, or approximatively 225GWh. It represents the electrical use of a city of the size od Den Bosch (64000 households) or about 12MEuro per year. The company Alliander operates energy networks which distribute gas and electricity to large parts of the Netherlands. A method to detect lighting usage on the network exists and further steps are now needed. The aim of this project is to develop a tool, which uses electromagnetic field properties of lightning in low frequencies, and allow a better detection and geographical discrimination of network misuses.

Project description

The graduation project is the result of a cooperation between the TU/e and Alliander. The purpose of the graduation project is to develop an electromagnetic (EM) field sensor that will be use to detect the presence of specific lightning equipment in near field, below 2kHz. This frequency range is particularly challenging since the growing development of smart-grids activities. The project will start with a theoretical investigation and modeling of the EM field of a set of lamps (including connection). In view of the signal to noise ratio of test environments, these footprints might be combined with specific data treatment techniques to enhance accurate detection and spatial discrimination. This theoretical study should result in a tool supporting the user during measurements. Diverse sensor designs will be investigated in EM full-wave 3D software (CST) and will result in the realization of a prototype. Calibration and tests (on site) will follow to validate the design.

Project organisation

The graduation project will be performed in close cooperation with the company Alliander. Measurements on site are included in the project.