4LM10 - Polymer components in high performance applications

The core of the course is to integrate the courses provided by the Polymer Technology group that focus on either the solid or the melt state. The students are provided with a deeper level of understanding on how the various competences are linked, and the importance of those links to actual applications.

Melt state:

Current engineering practice places ever-increasing demands (e.g. load, temperature, time) on the structural performance of polymers. Whereas new polymers are still being developed to meet these increasing demands, another route is to increase our understanding of existing systems and translate that knowledge into tools that allow for smaller safety margins. Essential for polymers in that respect is how processing and final properties are connected. It is not only the chemical composition of the system that determines its final properties, but to a large extent also the processing history experienced while being converted into an actual product.

In this course we familiarize the students with the latest fundamental insights and trends in the field of polymer processing and properties. This is based on scientific knowledge generated in academia, but also on case studies coming directly from industry.

We discuss 4-5 topics/cases in this course, which will be treated in 8-10 x 2 lectures and 8-6 x2 BZ’s. Lectures on each topic will encompass 2 lectures focusing on the processing aspects and 2 lectures on the property aspects. Strong emphasis is on the interaction between both