Research Lab

Innovation Space

TU/e innovation Space is the center of expertise for Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) and student entrepreneurship at TU/e, a learning hub for education innovation and an open community where students, researchers, industry, and societal organizations can exchange knowledge and develop responsible solutions to real world-challenges.






Facility Sharing
Sharing conditionally possible


Several workshops with a.o. 3D printers, laser cutters, sawing and painting capabilities, lathes and VR equipment to enable students to further develop prototypes and support CBL education. Student clean workshop, student mechanical workshops, student modelling workshop, 3D printing facilities.

Video Innovation Space

The best way to learn new things is to experience them yourself.
And that is exactly what TU/e innovation Space is all about.
Learn by doing. Work on challenges. Interdisciplinary prototyping.
Imagine, design, prototype, validate. That’s our cycle.

Visit the website

Contact us

Adress Matrix, building no 10 

Tel: 040-2475073 

E mail: innovationspace@tue