Clemens Dubslaff is a computer scientist conducting research at the crossroads between theoretical computer science and software engineering. His overall goal is to improve reliability of computing systems. Modern systems become more and more complex while taking on more and more responsibilities even in critical areas of society. Hence, their reliability but also their explainability, to express reasons for their decisions and behavior, are of utter interest. Clemens develops techniques to unlock the analysis of large-scale computing systems and their explainability through symbolic formal methods. He is in particular interested in methods to cope with huge configuration and feature spaces.


After B.Sc. studies in Mathematics and Computer Science at Dresden University of Technology (Germany), he obtained an M.Sc. in Computational Logic from NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal). After returning to Dresden, he got a Ph.D. in formal methods at the chair of Christel Baier. In his doctoral thesis entitled “Quantitative Analysis of Configurable and Reconfigurable Systems” he settled foundations for a compositional modeling and formal analysis of variant-rich systems through probabilistic model checking. Currently, he is an assistant professor in the formal system analysis group at TU Eindhoven (The Netherlands).

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