Erik de Vink is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His areas of expertise include software, algorithms, control systems, software product lines, formal methods and dynamic system adaptation. Erik also has an ongoing interest in qualitative process algebras, in particular regarding bisimulation for probabilistic systems.

Currently, he is interested in formal modeling and analysis of Software Product Lines and in formal methods for Dynamic System Adaptation. More specifically, Erik seeks to deploy model checkers for the analysis of feature-behavior interaction and family-oriented verification in the area of Software Product Lines. With regard to Dynamic System Adaptation, he is particularly interested in the languages Paradigm and Reo. He aims to develop methods for the modeling dynamic migration trajectories and related validation techniques. He mainly uses the mCRL2 and Prism model checkers for tool support.


Erik de Vink obtained his PhD in Computer Science from VU Amsterdam. Here, he worked in the Theoretical Computer Science group as an Assistant Professor with a focus on denotational semantics. Following this, he worked as a Senior Researcher at KPN and as an Associate Professor at Leiden University.

Erik is an Associated Research Fellow at CWI, the Dutch National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in Amsterdam. He is Treasurer of Formal Methods Europe and is, or has been, chair and co-organizer of a significant number of symposia, workshops and other events, such as the International symposium on Formal Methods, Oxford (2018). Among others, Erik has been co-chair for QAPL 2017 and workshop chair for ETAPS 2016. He is a member of the Program Committee for various international workshops, e.g. for Foundations of Coordination Languages and Self-Adaptive Systems, Toulouse (2018) and for the workshop on Structural Operational Semantics, Beijing (2018). Erik is a member of the Advisory Board of the Springer LNCS subline on Formal Methods and frequent reviewer for a number international journals in the field. He has been co-promoter for 9 PhD students defending on topics in Denotational Semantics, Security, Probabilistic Process Algebra, and Coordination from 1994.