Ingeborg Schreur-Piet is member of the reseach group Physical Chemistry and of the Center for Multiscale Electron Microscopy. In this group she is as a scanning electron microscopy specialist, training and advising people on the area of electron microscopy. In addition she has a practical and theoretical background in analytical chemistry and water-based polymer chemistry.

Scanning Electron Microscopy: Reaching beyond the final frontier


Ingeborg Schreur-Piet obtained her master's degree in Chemical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology in 1987. She earned her professional Dr. degree under supervision of Prof. P. Lemstra and Prof. H. Meijer in 1990. She worked as lecturer and researcher at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the research groups Material Science and Interfaces, Polymer Chemistry, Polymer materials and at the education office until 2013. In 2010 she was granted the title of Coating Technologist. Since 2020 Ingeborg Schreur-Piet is working in the research group Physical Chemistry as Scanning Electron Microscopy specialist and teacher.

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