Kevin van Hastenberg is a PhD-candidate within the Electromagnetics group at the University of Technology Eindhoven (TU/e). His research is focused on merging mm-Wave communication and radar sensing at 6G and 140GHz car radar frequencies.


Kevin van Hastenberg received the BSc and MSc (with Honors) degrees in Electrical Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology in 2020 and 2022, respectively. During his MSc Kevin was part of the NXP Fellowship Program which was a scholarship focused on mm-Wave technology. Kevin is currently pursuing a PhD degree, with a specialisation in shared apertures for mm-Wave applications, at the same university.

In 2021 Kevin finalised his MSc degree by investigating an antenna array with flexible (satellite) communication capabilities. Furthermore, he was a visiting student at the Dutch astronomical institute ASTRON, where he performed a preliminary study on a wide field-of-view telescope for sciences at 5GHz. Currently, Kevin is investigating shared apertures for communication and radar sensing for 6G.

Since 2021 Kevin is also involved with the university's spin-off AntenneX which specialises in developing mm-Wave measurement facilities for characterising integrated antenna systems until 140GHz.

Ancillary Activities

  • Measurement services, AntenneX bv