
Özgün Dağlar

Polymer Performance Materials


Özgün Dağlar is a Postdoc in the Polymer Performance Materials (SPP) group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He carries out studies on the synthesis and development of high-performance polymers by using his experience in polymer chemistry. Özgün, who also takes part in projects obtaining sustainable materials, plans to find creative solutions for the design, synthesis and development of circular polymers.

With a creative perspective and approach, it is very possible to ensure recyclability and sustainability.”


Özgün Dağlar holds a BSc, MSc and PhD in Chemistry from Istanbul Technical University. During his PhD, he has mainly focused on the applications of click chemistry on rapid and high efficient polymer synthesis and modifications, especially employing thiol-yne and amino-yne chemistry. As a result of his studies during his doctorate, he was deemed worthy of the “Most Successful Thesis Award” in 2020 by Istanbul Technical University. After a year of Postdoc in the “Complex Macromolecular Structure Center” at Istanbul Technical University, in 2022 he joined the Polymer Performance Materials (SPP) group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) to work with Prof. Dr. Željko Tomović on the synthesis, development and applications of high-performance polymers and circular polymers.

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