Roeland J. Dilz is Assistant professor in the Electromagnetics group of the Electrical Engineering department of the Eindhoven University of Technology. His main research interests are the numerical modeling of electromagnetics, and the modeling of the interaction of electromagnetics with other physical phenomena.
He currently works on developing spatial spectral discretization techniques for numerical modeling, which have proven highly effective for modeling electromagnetics in layered media. Spatial spectral discretizations combine flexibility, high accuracy and competitive efficiency into a technique that is promising for a large class of numerical modeling problems beyond electromagnetics.

By predicting the effects of abstract physical laws into real-world situations, simulations form a fascinating bridge between theory and practice.


Roeland J. Dilz received a Bachelors degree in mathematics and physics and a Masters degree in theoretical physics at Utrecht University. In 2017 he finished his PhD at the Electromagnetics group in Eindhoven on "A spatial spectral integral equation solver for electromagnetic scattering in dielectric layered media". He did a postdoc in deep-learning CT image reconstruction at the Netherlands Cancer institute. In 2020 he started his current position of assistant professor.

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