Education and Research Technician (Design and Development)

Yuyang Wang


dr. Yuyang Wang is a microscopist based in TU/e and is an ICMS core member. He leads the Advanced Microscopy Facility ( at ICMS dedicated to addressing challenges in biological and material imaging for both academia and industry. Yuyang provides technical support for ICMS industrial consortium partners. 

I design microscopy solutions to answer scientific questions.


Yuyang Wang obtained his PhD at the Department of Applied Physics in TU/e for his doctoral research on plasmon-enhanced single-molecule fluorescence and enzymology in 2020. During 2019 to 2021, he performed postdoctoral research under a joint fellowship of Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC, Barcelona) and ICMS at TU/e on stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED). From June 2021, he is the microscopy manager at ICMS.

Ancillary Activities

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