Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

Technology, Innovation & Society

We research innovation and socio-technical transitions towards a more sustainable society.

Inventions are great, but an invention is not yet an innovation, and not all innovations have a positive impact on society.

Technological innovations offer many opportunities to address key societal challenges in areas like sustainable energy, mobility, Europeanization and Globalization. However, change is not only about the mere availability of such innovative technologies (like renewable energy technologies or cleaner cars), but rather requires a transformation of existing socio-technical systems: a transition. This includes changes in firm strategies, consumer behavior, social practices, institutions and regulations, etc. Different aspects of such transition processes cannot be studied in isolation, but require a broader, systems-oriented perspective. In our view, society shapes technological progress, but technological progress also shapes our society. Technologies intertwine with radical transformations in work, travel, communication, and private life.

The Technology, Innovation & Society (TIS) group at TU/e is unique in combining questions on innovation and long-term transitions, and aspire to be a leading group in this field worldwide. We have a strong embedding in relevant social science and humanities disciplines such as innovation studies, economics of innovation, Science- and Technology Studies (STS) TS, sustainability transition studies, and history of technology. We study sustainable innovation and transitions in systemic, transdisciplinary, and transnational perspective.


Some of our researchers

Some of our Research Projects

Research project

Multi Utilities Smart Energy GRIDS

Promoting energy communities and testing smart energy systems in Europe and India to maximize local energy independency

Research project


Developing a sustainable business model for agro-ecological farming in West-Africa

Research project

Community-based Virtual Power Plant

A novel model of radical decarbonisation based on empowerment of low-carbon community driven energy initiatives

Research project


The ultimate goal is to allow any EV driver to charge at any charging station in the EU.

Research project

Developing and Implementing Smart Grids in India

How to develop and implement smart grids in rural India

Research project

Historical Roots of the Dutch Sustainability Challenge

The Impact of the Utilization of Material Resources on the Modernization of Dutch Society, 1850-2010

Research project


TVET and Higher Education for Boosting Road Infrastructure Development and Growth of Energy Services in Somalia and Somaliland

Research project

The Cleantech Innovation Capacity of Countries

Objective: to explain the emergence and uneven rate of cleantech innovation across countries

Research project

From automobility to smart mobility

The transition to smart mobility researched from a socio-technical perspective

Energy Ethics

In the Fair Energy Transition Center, Utrecht University and TU/e work on a Fair, Just, and Inclusive Energy Transition

Research project

New Energy Outlook for the Netherlands

Lighting the way to zero emission energy and mobility

Research project

Smart Cycling Futures

How can smart cycling innovations contribute to more resilient and live-able Dutch urban regions.
