EIRES Energizing Day 2022

Impression of the day

Friday 01 July 2022


Summer 2022, EIRES - Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems celebrated its second birthday. Time to reflect on what has been achieved to date and to explore how TU/e can further play its part in realizing the energy transition.

On Friday 01 July 2022 the first EIRES Energizing day took place, a very inspiring and energizing day full of talks, discussions, and networking.

Energizing encounters

‘Two years after EIRES came into being, we are very glad to finally be able to organize a live event where our entire community can meet.’ With these words, EIRES’ managing director Mark Boneschanscher welcomed some 175 participants to the first EIRES Energizing Day on Friday 01 July 2022.

In his opening word, Robert-Jan Smits, President of the Executive Board of TU/e, summarized the ambitions set for EIRES at its inception. ‘When we started this institute, the aim was to address interdisciplinary research questions and make impact with our research. The institute itself added a third aim: to actively participate in the public debate. The Executive Board is very happy with the progress made so far, and wishes the institute many more birthdays to come.’

(re)watch the day


Opening, welcome & focus areas 
With Mark Boneschanscher, Robert-Jan Smits, Richard van de Sanden, John van der Schaaf, Henk Huinink, Lisanne Havinga and Marta Costa 

Keynote speaker | Kerstin Eckert | Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf & TU Dresden 
Topic: From resource technologies to water electrolysis: flow on particle-laden air bubbles and oscillating hydrogen bubbles 

Keynote speaker | Andreas Hauer | Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research, ZAE Bayern 
Topic: Thermal Energy - The sleeping giant of the energy transition starts moving 

Keynote speaker | André Faaij | TNO & Utrecht University & University of Groningen
Topic: A system view for an ‘optimal‘ energy transition

Keynote speaker | Beatriz Roldán | Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin
Topic: Dynamic catalysts in energy conversion
no recordings available

Roundtable - Interactive panel discussion - speeding up the transition
With Olaf Adan - Cellcius, Marius Ponten - VDL Groep, Andrea Ramirez Ramirez - TU Delft,  - The province of Noord-Brabant, hosted by Barry Fitzgerald.


Welcome, opening & focus areas

TU/e - EIRES | Managing director

Mark Boneschanscher

TU/e - Executive Board | President

Robert-Jan Smits

TU/e - EIRES | Scientific director

Richard van de Sanden

TU/e - EIRES | Principal Scientist

John van der Schaaf

Focus Area | Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems

TU/e - EIRES | Principal Scientist

Henk Huinink

Focus Area: Systems for Sustainable Heat

TU/e - EIRES | Principal Scientist

Lisanne Havinga

Focus Area: System Integration

TU/e - EIRES | Principal Scientist

Marta Costa Figueiredo

Focus Area: Chemistry for Sustainable Energy Systems

Keynote Speakers & Roundtable guests

Keynote spaeker

Kerstin Eckert

Keynote speaker

Andreas Hauer

Keynote speaker

André Faaij

Keynote speaker

Beatriz Roldán Cuenya

Roundtable guests

Olaf Adan | Marius Ponten | Andrea Ramirez Ramirez | Coen de Graaf

Roundtable host

Barry Fitzgerald

Networking | lunch, drinks & music