ICAI Deep-Dive is a community meetup that focuses on shared interested topics and subjects in-depth, despite the differences of the primary research domains of each community member and lab. The aim is to promote knowledge transfer via experience sharing and open discussion; finding solutions for the common challenges and issues in the community.
The Deep-Dive in April version is focused on the discussion of open-source software.
12:00 Opening by chairwoman Emma Beauxis-Aussalet (Civic Lab, VU)
12:05 Sebastian Schelter (Air Lab, UvA, Apache Software Foundation ) leads a discussion on "Licenses and Real-world experiences."
12:25 --confirming
12:40 James Meakin (AI for Health lab, RadboudUMC, grand-challenge.org ) and Andre Dekker (Brightlands Smart Health Lab, UM) lead a discussion on "Community building and funding of infrastructure software development."
13:00 End