Thursday April 7, 2022 from 11:15 AM to 12:45 PMLocation
Atlas 0.820Organizer
Bachelor CollegePrice
AtlasDo you think along about the educational vision 2030?
In the first part of 2020, we tested if the concept of the educational vision matched the expectations of TU/e staff and students. Unfortunately, we had to cancel some planned sessions due to corona, but we will resume on April 7, 20 and 22.
New insights we acquired over the past two years are part of the vision. Therefore, after introducing the vision 2030, we would like to have a dialogue where we discuss the starting point and the journey within TU/e to 2030.
April 7 11.15-12.45 Atlas 0.820
April 20 11.30-13.00 Atlas 0.820
April 22 11.30-13.00 Atlas 0.820
The sessions are open to everyone. If you want to attend please register via the link.