Tuesday May 31, 2022 from 1:45 PM to 5:30 PMLocation
Ceres 0.31Organizer
Soft Matters groupPrice
13:45 Walk-in with coffee and tea
14:00 Welcome by Ilja Voets
14:05 Harnessing Coulombic Forces to Guide Colloidal Self-Assembly by Stefano Sacanna
14:30 Mechano-adaptive cytoskeletal remodeling in plant pathogenesis by Joris Sprakel
14:55 Out-of-equilibrium assembly regulated by controlled polymerization by Bas van Ravensteijn
15:20 Break
15:45 Active droplets that swim, interact, and organize by Lauren Zarzar
16:10 Cooperative transitions involving hydrophobic polyelectrolytes by Willem Kegel
16:35 Brownian motion of freely-jointed colloidal trimers by Pepijn Moerman
17:00 Closure & drinks
Free walk-in, registration not necessary.