After graduation


As a graduate of the Master Data Science in Business and Entrepreneurship, we believe that excellent career opportunities await you. You are then in possession of a deep scientific understanding, grounded in practical experience from working on real-life cases. Together with a valuable professional network, you are fully equipped to access a labor market characterized by an ever-growing number of artificial intelligence and vacancies related to Data Science in Business and Entrepreneurship – not only in the Netherlands, but around the world.

This generates an almost endless flow of interesting career options. Depending on the elective courses you choose, you can give color to your diploma by specializing in one of the following profiles: Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Data Entrepreneur/ Consultant, or Data-Driven Researcher.

You can manage your own data science company, finding new markets and opportunities with data. You are the go-to person in an organization, an SME who translates a variety of complex issues into technical data insights. You make sure these insights trickle down into the business, improving operational performance, organizational reputation and benefits beyond the bottom line.

​Alternatively, you can work as a data consultant or analyst, advising companies wishing to enhance their understanding of customer purchasing behavior, or use big data to support, for example, police crime detection work, or help healthcare institutions share global data to combat and suppress diseases around the world.

More on career prospects 

Please scroll down for a selection of positions and organizations where graduates of our Data Science in Business and Entrepreneurship program recently started out:

  • Data Scientist at KLM                                                                       
  • Business Analyst at Quooker b.v.                                                       
  • eCommerce Lead at PepsiCo                                                              
  • Bus. Intelligence & Reporting Analyst at Royal Swinkels Family Brewers          
  • Data Scientist at IKNL                                                        
  • Data Analyst at Nestlé                                                                 
  • Data Engineer at ASML                                                            
  • CEO/Founder at Bluetick                                                              
  • Data Scientist at Adyen                                                                  
  • Data Consultant at Deloitte                                                       
  • Business Intelligence Engineer at Amazon                             
  • Data Scientist at GoDataDriven                                          
  • CEO/Founder at PushBird

You can also choose to start your own company with the support of JADS Playground, pursue a PhD or start an EngD in Data Science at JADS.