After you graduate

Robotics drives automation across industries. Manufacturing gains efficiency and precision, logistics optimizes processes, construction reduces injuries, healthcare advances surgery, agriculture boosts productivity, and retail enhances service. After you graduate as a Mechanical Engineer in the Robotics Master’s track, you can choose from a range of opportunities including:

Robotics Control Engineer: you are at the forefront of shaping the future of automation and robotics. Your expertise is focused on designing, developing, and fine-tuning control systems that govern the intricate movements and behaviors of robotic systems. Working with a multidisciplinary team of engineers and researchers, you contribute to the creation of cutting-edge robotic technologies that have real-world applications across industries.

Autonomous System Designer: you play a crucial role in creating the next generation of intelligent machines that navigate, perceive, and interact with their environment without human intervention. Leveraging your expertise in robotics, AI, and system design, you contribute to the development of cutting-edge autonomous systems that have far-reaching applications across industries.

Research Scientist: you work at the forefront of science in the field of robotics on cutting-edge technologies such as task-aware perception, dynamic manipulation, and motion skills. This job can be done at a company, a research institute, or a university, where the latter also offers teaching opportunities.

And many more jobs that involve robotics!

We hope that this illustrates that the Robotics Master’s track…

  • …offers a unique systems and control perspective on robotics, covering the whole range of fundamentals all the way up to industrial applications
  • …is well-embedded in Brainport Eindhoven, including all the industries located in this high-tech region of the Netherlands
  • …places the students center-stage, with close connections to the tutors, other students, the department, and the university.