ECTS points
Education type
Master program
Two years
Master of Science (MSc)

The automotive industry is always on the move. New technologies succeed each other in rapid succession, especially when it comes to sustainable and smart mobility. Think of electric cars, using cleaner fuels or the many functionalities that make it safer and easier for us to drive. The traditional car has evolved into a controlled, high-tech system packed with mechanics, electronics, sensors and software, where the interaction between human and vehicle plays an important role. Due to this increasing complexity, highly educated engineers working in the modern high-tech automotive industry are in high demand, so long as they can think at systems level and make connections in this discipline.

Versatile and multidisciplinary

Cars offer engineers a wide array of multidisciplinary challenges. An engineer in the automotive industry not only has to consider the vehicle itself, with all its high tech, but also the environment and human behavior. Therefore, the industry needs engineers with a background in a range of knowledge and skills including mechanics, electronics, information technology and human-machine interaction.

As a future automotive engineer, you have knowledge in all these areas. You consider the car as a complete system, a four-wheeled platform containing a myriad of smart components which are connected and interacting. These are, in addition to the core components such as engine, steering wheel, tires and the bodywork, active components such as ABS and cruise control. The automotive engineer contributes to creating a system that is safe, reliable and predictable.

If this sounds appealing, the Master’s Program of Automotive Technology at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is the right study program for you.

About this master

The systems approach mentioned above is the basis of the Master’s Program of Automotive Technology, unparalleled in Europe. It prepares you for a successful career in the automotive industry and far beyond.

This master’s teaches you about the components in and around a car and enables you to experience how it functions as one single system. In addition, you gain knowledge about the key functionalities of modern-day vehicles such as dynamics, real-time software, electric drivetrain and human-machine interaction. You learn to work in multidisciplinary teams from a systems approach.

This master’s program is a joint initiative of five departments; Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Industrial Design and Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences.

The study program

During the first year, you take a number of mandatory courses and you choose your own specialization courses and electives. The core program offers a broad range of knowledge in two core areas: Smart Mobility and Sustainable Mobility.

  • Smart Mobility: the focus is on subjects such as autonomous and cooperative driving, embedded software, vehicle dynamics and regulation systems and human factors of the automotive industry.
  • Sustainable Mobility: you learn about combustion engines and fuels of the future, electrical and hybrid vehicles, and transmissions.

You can choose all specialization courses and electives in both core areas.

The program is multidisciplinary: the five departments work together closely within the two core areas. In the first year, you choose your own specialization You are then assigned to one of the eleven research groups within your specialization. For more information on this process, please consult the education guide*. When taking your specialization courses and doing your internship and graduation research in the second year, you go into more depth within your area of specialization. The contents of this program are explained in more detail in the Degree structure.

*Note: current students use the Education Guide as a source of information. It contains detailed, practical information that is important during your study program. Prospective students can consult the Education Guide for additional information.

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Kevin Hartjes

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This program is NVAO-accredited. In the Netherlands, the NVAO assesses the internal quality assurance of universities and colleges and the quality of their programs.