
Protect Our Privacy



At the TU/e we work together to enable the safe handling of personal data. As a community it is our responsibility to protect our privacy. Only together can we make sure that all personal data within eduaction and research at the university is being processed according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our team of privacy professionals is there to support everyone within the TU/e community.

If you are a student or employee at the TU/e, then please click here to go to the intranet and find out more about how privacy is being handled at the TU/e. On the intranet you can also find more information about our privacy training programs and all relevant policies and procedures, like our Privacy Policy. In the Privacy Policy there are a couple of important topics, such as:

  • The scope of the policy, its objectives and the TU/e's vision regarding data protection;
  • The guidelines and principles when working with personal data at the TU/e;
  • Organization of privacy governance, roles and responsibilities within the TU/e;
  • Security measures to protect personal data;
  • Management of data protection risks;
  • Implementation of accountability;
  • Transparancy towards data subjects;
  • The implementation of data subject rights, and;
  • Improving privacy awareness.