By Visiting Professor Bernhard Mehlig

EAISI workshop - Intensive course on neural networks

Monday June 3, 2024 from 3:30 PM to Friday June 7, 2024 5:30 PM
Neuron 0.262

The use of artificial neural networks in machine learning

In this short course Bernhard Mehlig introduces the use of artificial neural networks in machine learning. The course is aimed at engineers and natural scientists. The focus is on supervised learning with multi-layer perceptron networks, because this method has recently become very popular in science and technology. I describe the network layout, how to train such networks with stochastic gradient descent, and describe recent developments in the field (deep learning). I conclude with a discussion of current questions and applications. This course is based on Chapters 5 to 10 of Machine learning with neural networks. I also offer homework problems that illustrate the learning goals. These will be made available in the online system OpenTA.

Professor Bernhard Mehlig is a guest of Federico Toschi, Full Professor at the department of Applied Physics, Fluids & Flows.



Interested to join? Please send an email to



Basic linear algebra, analysis, and basic programming. Test your skills with a quiz at the OpenTA site.

Contents & program

Date Time Subject Content
Monday, June 3 15:30 - 17:30 Introduction and overview

Slide set Monday

Machine learning with neural networks

Tuesday, June 4  15:30 - 17:30 Perceptrons Chapter 5
Wednesday, June 5 15:30 - 17:30

Training deep networks

Introduction to Exercises

Chapter 6


Thursday, June 6 15:30 - 17:30 Unsupervised learning Chapter 10
Friday, June 7 15:30 - 17:30 Machine translation & Transformers Chapter 9



B. Mehlig, Machine learning with neural networks, Cambridge University Press (2021) (PDF -

B. Mehlig, Exercise solutions for Machine learning with neural networks (2023)


Bernhard Mehlig

Professor in Complex Systems
Department of Physics University of Gothenburg
41296 Gothenburg, Sweden

mobile +46 734 200 988
home +46-31-654683
Bernhard.Mehlig at

                                                             Machine learning with neural networks

                                                                       Exercise solutions


Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute

EAISI brings together all AI activities of the TU/e. Top researchers from various departments and research groups work together to create new and exciting AI applications with a direct impact on the real world. All this in close collaboration with our students and representatives from industry.