With a keynote by Visiting Professor José Manuel García Alonso

EAISI and Health in the Built Environment lunch meeting

Thursday June 6, 2024 from 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM
TU/e Vertigo | Trappenzaal
Built Environment

EAISI and Health in the Built Environment lunch meeting

You are most welcome to join the upcoming Health in the Built Environment lunch meeting, co-organized by EAISI.

The meeting starts with lunch at 12:00. At 12:30 the program starts with research pitches by PhD’s, EngD’s and the presentation of current MSc projects, followed by a keynote by Visiting Professor José Manuel García Alonso.

Registration is required and free of charge. 



12:00 Lunch (optional)
12:30 Brief introduction to the Built Environment community by Helianthe Kort 
12:35 Research pitches by PhD’s, EngD’s and current MSc projects
13:30 José Manuel García Alonso 'AI in agingcare anywhere: bringing technological advances to rural areas'
14:15 Discussion and future plans
14:45 Closure


AI in agingcare anywhere: bringing technological advances to rural areas

José Manuel García Alonso, Associate Professor at the University of Extremadura, Spain, is a guest of Helianthe Kort, Full Professor and Chair of Building Healthy Environments for Future Users at TU/e.

Title  |  AI in agingcare anywhere: bringing technological advances to rural areas 

As populations age, technological advances in general, and AI in particular, bring new solutions to improve the quality of life of aging people anywhere in the world. However, social, economic, and cultural differences have a huge impact on how these advances are implemented and democratized in different places. In this talk, we will discuss the specific case of AI for aging care in rural regions like Extremadura in Spain or Alentejo in Portugal. Two case studies will be used to extract lessons that can be applied to other domains or regions. First, we will analyze ACHO an offline voice assistant, initially designed to provide drug intake reminders. And second, we will discuss the use of feature selection techniques in regression problems applied to the functional profile of aging adults.

José Manuel García Alonso | University of Extremadura, Spain

José Manuel García Alonso is Associate Professor at the University of Extremadura, Spain, where he completed his PhD in software engineering in 2014. He is the co-founder of Gloin, a software consulting company, and Health and Aging Tech, an eHealth company. His interests include the eHealth continuum, quantum software engineering, pervasive computing, and gerontechnology. He is currently a member of the International Society of Gerontechnology Executive Board and President of the ISG Iberian Chapter.


Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute

EAISI brings together all AI activities of the TU/e. Top researchers from various departments and research groups work together to create new and exciting AI applications with a direct impact on the real world. All this in close collaboration with our students and representatives from industry.