Student Take-Over: Riding the Spectrum

Wednesday December 6, 2023 from 12:40 PM to 1:20 PM
Blauwe Zaal, Auditorium

Attractive sentence homepage (max 8 words) How autism and neurodiversity can fuel success

Is autism, and neurodiversity in general, just a burden, or can it be an asset in both professional and personal life? Dirk van Meer, a successful entrepreneur and CEO of CORE Changemakers, proves it’s the latter, and he will share his inspiring personal story of living with autism and how he managed to turn it to his advantage.

Antonia, Built Environment student and organizer of this Student Take-Over lecture says: “He inspired me to believe that not fitting in is not a tragedy, but an opportunity to value your qualities and let them shine.”


Studium Generale

Broaden your horizon in scientific, cultural and societal areas and develop a curious attitude to meet the world. Now and in the future.